Thursday, March 31, 2011

Welcome to Helen.

Yesterday we decided to get up and out of camp as early as we could and try to hike into town as fast as possible. We had to go into town because we were getting our first mail drop there. We were about 9 and a half miles away from the road. We left at 8 and got there about 1. We made great time. We originally thought we were going to have to hitch-hike into the town but we made a reservation at a best western that said they would come pick us up. It took them and hour to finally come get us but it was better then hitching. While we waited we met a family that was day hiking and they ended up giving us and a few other through hikers all the food they had brought for themselves to eat. People around the trail are so nice.
We got everything done in town we needed and we are hitting the trail again today! We'll keep you posted!
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1 comment:

  1. Good Morning! Welcome to North Carolina and the Nantahala National Forest (my book is great by the way). Nantahala is Cherokee for "Land of the Noonday Sun". I hope you are taking a lot of pictures of the panoramic views of western North Carolina. Be safe!

