Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sad news

So we had to come off the trail yesterday. My knee was hurting so bad that we had to come off and take a break. We spent a long time trying to decide if we should keep going cause neither one of us wanted to stop. But we figured it was better to take a one day break then get so hurt we had to stop all together. We actually ended up meeting up with all of our trail friends in town. We didn't even mean to! As we were checking into the motel that all came out of the room next door! They all hit the trail again today cause yesterday was their zero day (meaning they hiked zero miles) We took today as our zero day and one guy stayed behind with us cause his blisters and knees weren't ready for the trail today. We hated taking a day off so early but we figured we needed to do it now when we were hurting and still getting into shape. And after a day of ibuprofen and ice for my knee I think im feeling much better. We hit the trail again at 9:30. Pray for my knee!
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  1. Sorry to hear about your knee.Maybe you need to try a brace on it. Hope it gets better so you can enjoy your journey. Love You

  2. Have you guys gotten trail names yet? I hope your knee feels better, I know what that is like.
